News Archive

New 2014 DC Site Services office

The new DC Site Services Head Office and Winterville 2014!

Posted on 21 Nov 2014

We're very pleased to be able to let you all know that DC Site Services' head office in Peterborough has moved! You can now find us at: Fenland District Estate, Station road, Whittlesey, PE7 2EY Or if you'd like to drop in for a cuppa, it's the first right after the train tracks! The move follows the continual growth of the company in recent years, and needless to say we are very pleased that we will no longer have to climb over one another to reach the coffee machine! Also, whilst we're chattin ... read more

Best 2014-2015 UK Winter Music Festivals to Banish the Blues

Previews of the Best 2014 UK Winter Festivals to help you through the chilly months!

Posted on 14 Nov 2014

For most thinking about music festivals means hot (ish) summer days and green fields, followed by a long, wet, chilly, and fairly mundane winter! If you're one of these people then fear not, in more recent years the UK winter festival scene has been growing and there are now all sorts of options to keep you entertained throughout the colder months. For all of us not entirely sure what the options are our friends over at the PAAM Event Management Software Blog have just released their Best UK Win ... read more

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Your guys did a fantastic job at Finsbury Park so thanks a lot to you and your team!

Roy Morley
Site Event Logistics Ltd on behalf of SJM Concerts