Posted on Wednesday, December 7, 2016

This New Year’s Day you’ll find DC Site Services at the Tobacco Docks in London. This is for the LWE New Year’s Day event, so if you’d rather make some money as opposed to nursing the hangover from hell, sign up and join us on January 1st! Kick off 2017 the way you mean to continue, productive and squirrelling away your money!
If you are looking for something different than we have extra shifts at the Natural History Museum now available and open to all DC Event Crew, if you’d like to give the current team a break as we creep up to Christmas then please get in contact with the office to discuss further ( or 01733 200713).
Last week you will have received your annual DC Site Services Staff Surveys. This is your chance to have your say, so take just a few minutes to blitz through this and tell us how the 2016 festival season was for you.
Finally a huge thank you to everyone who joined us at Spark on the Street this past weekend, it was a great event. We’d also like to give a shout out to the crew who continue to work at the Natural History Museum in London, thank you for your hard work.